Tuesday Dec 29, 2020

Season 1, Episode 52: Why Did I Start a Podcast...And What’s Coming Next

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of true crime podcasts out there – so you’ve probably wondered (as I sometimes still do) why I felt the need to start one. As corny as this may sound, I wanted to help people. I love reading books, especially true crime books, so I thought a natural fit for me would be reading even more amazing true crime books and sharing some thoughts about them with my listeners. I thought that as a private investigator, I might be able to help people learn about more than just the crimes themselves. A very wise friend told me that I needed to market to a niche, a small specific audience, to make my podcast stand out among all the noise in the true crime world. She encouraged me to use what was most important to me – my faith – and make that my vehicle to tell these stories. I’m so happy and grateful that she did, because the people I’ve met along the way have taught me some incredible things.

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