Tuesday Jun 29, 2021

Season 2, Episode 26: Behind Blue Curtains: An Amish Story of Survival, Escape and Pursuit of Justice by Molly Maeve Eagan and Lizzy Hershberger

Lizzy Hersberger grew up in what is probably the most conservative subgroup of the Old Order Amish community - the Swartzentruber Amish. She didn’t have indoor plumbing and wasn’t allowed to attend school beyond the eighth grade. Worst of all, when she was sexually assaulted by a member of her community, she was the one who was blamed, and cast out of their fellowship at the age of 15. Join me and my guest Molly Maeve Eagan, who is a trauma-informed writer, survivor activist and award-winning investigative journalist. You won’t want to miss her insights into surviving abuse.

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