Tuesday Dec 21, 2021

Season 2, Episode 51: Let’s Give Hope this Christmas: The Murders of Ariys Harris, Terra Kerstein, and Myrtle Cole

It’s almost Christmas and I hope you are all as excited as I am! As we wrap up the last of the gifts for our loved ones, let’s give three families the gift of hope - the hope that by highlighting three more cold cases in our Twelve Cases of Christmas series, we can be the spark that brings information forward to give answers about what happened, and maybe even bring some justice.

In this episode we’re again going to try to help three more families. Our cases today are all unsolved homicides. Ariys Harris from St. Louis, MO; Terra Lynn Kerstein from Port Salerno, FL; and Myrtle Cole of Fairhaven, MN.

As we all get ready to gather with our families and friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus, I’m reminded of Paul’s words from Acts 20:35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

The words that just jump out at me from this verse are “we must help the weak.” There are so many ways we can do that at Christmas time. So after you share this episode and encourage your friends to do the same, I encourage you to find someone in your community that needs a bit of a boost at Christmas time. Maybe that’s a young single mom like Ariys, someone who seems to be very isolated like Terra, or an elderly widow like Myrtle. These folks need a P.I. in their lives - a Person of Impact. A person like you.

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stltoday.com article about Ariys

kmov.com article about Ariys

ksdk.com article about Ariys

FB group "Who Killed Ariys Harris?"

If you have information, call the anonymous CrimeStoppers phone number: (314) 725-8477

The Palm Beach Post article about Terra Kerstein

Link to online tip form for Martin County Florida

kare11.com article about Myrtle Cole

minnesota.cbslocal.com article about Myrtle Cole

fox9.com article about Myrtle Cole

kstp.com article about Myrtle Cole

U.S. Department of Justice report on the victimization of the elderly

If you have any information about Myrtle Cole’s case, please contact the Stearns County Sheriff's Office at 320-259-3700, or send a tip directly to Tri-County Crime Stoppers of Minnesota

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