Tuesday Feb 08, 2022

Season 3, Episode 6: Murderous Love: Cold Kill by Jack Olsen

Love is supposed to be patient, kind, and rejoicing in the truth. It doesn’t dishonor others or delight in evil. And Love doesn’t ask you to kill for it. Our book this week is “Cold Kill” by best-selling author Jack Olsen. A female PI busted this case wide open, so I’m going to give you my take as a female PI on what she did to expose two cold blooded killers.

I hope you’ll read and meditate on Psalm 139:1-12 yourself, but I’m going to summarize and share some thoughts about how these verses relate to this episode. God knows everything. Everything! That means he knows my thoughts and my intentions. He’s not surprised by a single thing I do. There is nowhere I can hide myself or my motives from God. That’s a bit scary, but also good news because God knows the darkest parts of me and STILL LOVES ME! I’m so thankful that if we tell God we are sorry and truly turn away from the bad things that we do, He forgives us. If you’re struggling with something you’ve done that you think is standing between you and God, I hope this will help you remember that He already knows and if you will repent of your actions and go a different direction, He’s ready and eager to forgive.

I hope you never have to worry about hiring a PI to investigate a member of your own circle of family or friends. But it didn’t have to take a PI to notice and act on some of the red flags we saw in both Cindy and David’s behavior. I think as Christians and especially those of us who are also women, we like to give people the benefit of the doubt. We don’t want to intrude on other people’s personal issues. Right here and right now I’m giving us ALL permission to start butting in when we see red flags, because the people who might be in danger are often the people least able to see them for what they are - danger signals. If someone is willing to verbally threaten to kill someone, let’s quit saying, “Oh they are just dramatic,” or “they had a bit too much wine”, or whatever excuse we use. Jesus said in Luke 6:45 that our mouths speak what our hearts are full of. So our practical action step for this week is that if you see or hear something, say something! Your willingness to speak up could literally be the difference between life or death for someone.

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