The Unlovely Truth

Exploring the intersection of faith and true crime.

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Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Does your church or ministry struggle with physical, emotional, or spiritual safety issues? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison and I’m so glad you’ve joined me today. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission on this podcast is to find actionable steps to improve every aspect of safety in our houses of worship and beyond. We will investigate The Unlovely Truth about real crime news stories happening in real churches. I’ve got new cases to talk about today, so let’s dive right in. 
Highlights from this episode include:
A podcast sharing stories of survivors from inside a denomination gets shut down
More news from troubled megachurch Gateway Houston
Finally, a church that got it (mostly) right
Acts 14:1-7
The same thing happened in Iconium. Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue and preached with such power that a great number of both Jews and Greeks became believers. Some of the Jews, however, spurned God’s message and poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against Paul and Barnabas. But the apostles stayed there a long time, preaching boldly about the grace of the Lord. And the Lord proved their message was true by giving them power to do miraculous signs and wonders. But the people of the town were divided in their opinion about them. Some sided with the Jews,
and some with the apostles.
Then a mob of Gentiles and Jews, along with their leaders, decided to attack and stone them. When the apostles learned of it, they fled to the region of Lycaonia—to the towns of Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding area. And there they preached the Good News.
Wow. There are so many parallels here to what we’ve been talking about for the last 6 months or so on the podcast. Let's break this down a little bit at a time and let me talk about where I'm seeing these parallels. So Paul and Barnabas are going in there spreading the good news they're doing what they're supposed to be doing. And they're being very effective. But some people didn't want to hear what they had to say. And that reminds me so much of, in so many churches when someone stands up. To tell the truth. People will try to shut them down.  And it even says, you know, some of the Jews, however, spurned God's message and poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against Paul and Barnabas. I know so many of you, if you haven't had this happen to you, you've seen it. Someone brings up an issue. And leadership turns around and makes them the issue. They're the problem. 
The whistleblower is the problem, not the problem being the problem. Scripture tells us though that the apostles stayed there a long time. They were bold. And that, because they did that. God proved that their message was true. Now, I don't know if He's going to give any of us miraculous signs and wonders the way he did here, but you never know.
Why wouldn't God give us that same boldness that they had? Why wouldn't he allow us to have the grace of being able to boldly state what we know to be true? And having that make a change. Now, of course, the passage goes on to say that the people in the town were divided.   Some sided with the apostles and some sided with the Jews. Then a mob of Gentiles and Jews along with their leaders, decided to attack and stone them. Not everybody in leadership is doing the right thing and we have to be able to call those people out. 
The apostles knew what was going to happen. They found out, and so they fled.  Sometimes we have to leave. When they fled, they still spoke what they knew to be true. And that's what we all have to do, too.
Let me know what you think of this episode! Send me an email a or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my consulting services, please email me at 
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"Wall of Silence" podcast almost silenced - listen to it here
Here we go again with Gateway Church
A church that didn't totally mess up

Do The Right Thing: S6E21

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Does your church or ministry struggle with physical, emotional, or spiritual safety issues? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison and I’m so glad you’ve joined me today. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission on this podcast is to find actionable steps to improve every aspect of safety in our houses of worship and beyond. We’re going to do that by investigating The Unlovely Truth about real crime news stories that are happening in real churches. I’ve got new cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
Highlights from this episode include:
One more Gateway pastor is gone
Did this pastor have a vision or was he a fraud?
Church money is stolen and they didn’t notice
Let’s look now at a passage of Scripture that’s right in line with that and has lessons for us about all of today’s cases. 
2 Corinthians 8:16-21 from the NIV
Thanks be to God, who put into the heart of Titus the same concern I have for you. For Titus not only welcomed our appeal, but he is coming to you with much enthusiasm and on his own initiative. And we are sending along with him the brother who is praised by all the churches for his service to the gospel. What is more, he was chosen by the churches to accompany us as we carry the offering, which we administer in order to honor the Lord himself and to show our eagerness to help. We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord 
but also in the eyes of man.
Paul has collected money from fellow believers to help a struggling church. Since they didn’t have Venmo back then, someone had to actually take the money where it needed to go. Paul made sure he chose someone who was widely known for his service, not his charisma or public speaking abilities. He was also sent with someone else. And what was the offering for? Not to build a Christian Disneyland but “to honor the Lord himself and to show our eagerness to help.” And notice how Paul says he wants to avoid criticism of how they are doing things. He doesn’t do that by hiding what is going on, but by putting safeguards in place and using trusted people. 
I think that the last sentence in this passage applies to not only financial matters, but to everything we do in church. “For we are taking pains to do what is right not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man”. Paul knew that being a church of high integrity is necessary to spread the gospel! We don’t try to have a good reputation by hiding what we are doing, but by doing the right thing. There is a huge difference there. I so I want to end with a question that will hopefully make us all think. What is OUR church’s reputation based on?
Let me know what you think of this episode! Send me an email a or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my consulting services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
Support this work financially with a one-time gift
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
Another Gateway pastor sent packing
Was this pastor a failed businessman - or a con artist?
When money gets stolen and your church doesn't notice

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Does your church or ministry struggle with physical, emotional, or spiritual safety issues? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison and I’m so glad you’ve joined me today. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission on this podcast is to find actionable steps to improve every aspect of safety in our houses of worship and beyond. We’re going to do that by investigating The Unlovley Truth about real crime news stories that are happening in real churches. I’ve got new cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
Highlights from this episode include:
“The Money Doctor” turns out to be “The Money Thief”
Another Texas megachurch does terrible PR job
Former pastor, longtime criminal
2 Peter 1:3-8
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is an excellent blueprint for living a holy and mature life AND it can help us recognize who around us is doing the same and who maybe needs to not be in a leadership position
First, let’s notice that we get these attributes through God’s holy power. It’s not about our awesomeness, which means we must be humble. And we need to look for humble leaders. 
Peter explains why things can go sideways - we give in to evil desires. One way to avoid that is to be accountable to people. Allow them to speak into your life when they see areas of weakness or sin. And for goodness sake, let’s stop following leaders who refuse to be accountable. If anyone says something like you can’t hold leaders responsible because the Bible says “do not touch my anointed ones - they are taking that Scripture completely out of context. It’s about the patriarchs in the Old Testament. It’s not a license to refuse to be held accountable today.
Moving on - start with faith, add goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, and love. If your leaders aren’t displaying these traits in increasing measure - it’s time for new leaders. 
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my consulting services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
“The Money Doctor” turns out to be “The Money Thief"
Another Texas megachurch does terrible PR job
Former pastor, longtime criminal

Abuse of Power: S6E19

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Does your church or ministry struggle with physical, emotional, or spiritual safety issues? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison and I’m so glad you’ve joined me today. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission on this podcast is to find actionable steps to improve every aspect of safety in our houses of worship and beyond. We’re going to do that by investigating The Unlovley Truth about real crime news stories happening in real churches. I’ve got new cases to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
Unlovely Truths from this episode include:
Church daycare site of alleged physical abuse
Church shields inappropriate youth pastor and gets sued
Church pastor preaches one thing, does another
1 Corinthians 10:1-6
For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers and sisters, 
that our ancestors were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, 
and that rock was Christ. Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; 
their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. Now these things occurred as examples
 to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.
When Paul wrote this letter to the church, there were some issues about idol worship. Paul reminded the people how that worked out for the children of Israel after God delivered them out of slavery in Egypt. He took care of their every need, and they betrayed him. They made something else more important to them than their holiness.
We still do that today, whether it’s with money, or status, or sex. I think in all three of our cases today it was about power. It was disguised as both physical, emotional and spiritual abuse - but each of our perps wanted to exert whatever power they could over someone weaker so they could get what they wanted. 
My safety tips for you today apply equally well in your personal life as they do in our churches. Avoid people who are controlling. You don’t need to be in a relationship with controlling people and you certainly should hire them to hold any role associated with your church. It sounds like I’m trying to control you by saying that, but you get what I mean. High-control people and groups aren’t healthy, and you and our churches deserve better!
Let me know what you think of this episode! Send me an email at or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker or ask about my consulting services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
Buy me a coffee so I can keep helping churches be the safest place in their communities
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
Church Daycare worker allegedly abuses child
Did this church ignore horrible behavior by a staff member?
Did this pastor solicit a prostitute?

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Does your church or ministry struggle with physical, emotional, or spiritual safety issues? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison and I’m so glad you’ve joined me today. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission on this podcast is to find actionable steps to improve every aspect of safety in our houses of worship and beyond. We’re going to do that by investigating The Unlovley Truth about real crime news stories happening in real churches. I’ve got new cases to investigate together, so let’s dive right in. 
Big Questions from this episode include:
What kind of abuser is worse - a priest who sexually abused children, or the priests who knew, and did nothing?
Why are more than 500 people asking Father Barry Stechschulte of St. Susanna Church in Mason, Ohio to resign?
Labor trafficking doesn’t happen in faith communities…does it?
James 4:17 NLT
Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
Avoiding doing evil is obviously a very good thing. But James takes things a step further here. He says very clearly that avoiding doing good is a very bad thing. Those are some pretty tough words, but all of us who are believers need to take them to heart! 
In one sense, the book of James is a call to action. He tells us to be doers of the word and not just hearers (James 1:22). James also says that we should take action to meet people’s needs (James 2:16) as well as being sure to humble ourselves (James 4:10).
This may upset some of you, but I have to say that I think that our churches, and of course that includes the people in them, need a healthy dose of humility. Pride can keep us from recognizing problems and taking steps to fix them. Let’s not ever get so protective of the reputation of our church that we protect it at the expense of the safety of our people. 
Let me know what you think of this episode! Send me an email at or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker or ask about my coaching services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
How predators silence their victims
The priest who destroyed evidence
What happens when people look the other way

When Church Hurts: S6E17

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Does your church or ministry struggle with physical, emotional, or spiritual safety issues? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison and I’m so glad you’ve joined me today. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission on this podcast is to find actionable steps to improve every aspect of safety in our houses of worship and beyond. We’re going to do that by investigating The Unlovley Truth about real crime news stories that are happening in real churches. I’ve got new cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
Highlights from this episode include:
Pastoral counseling crosses the line into spiritual abuse
When the pastor is the victim
A church that handled a tough situation right - mostly
Ezekiel 34:7-10 NLT
“Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, you abandoned my flock and left them to be attacked by every wild animal. And though you were my shepherds, you didn’t search for my sheep when they were lost. You took care of yourselves and left the sheep to starve. Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I now consider these shepherds my enemies, and I will hold them responsible for what has happened to my flock. I will take away their right to feed the flock, and I will stop them from feeding themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths; the sheep will no longer be their prey.
Even if shepherds lose their sense of responsibility to their flock - God does not. It’s bad enough when a neglectful pastor allows their congregation to be vulnerable to predators. It’s worse when those pastors themselves are the ones harming those they are meant to serve. God is very upfront in his assessment of pastors like this. He calls them His enemies. If you see a pastor abusing anyone in any way, please, let god work through you by speaking up. I know that can be scary and if you’ll reach out to me I will help you. 
On the flip side, if we see one of our pastors suffering, we need to stand up for them as well. No of us should abandon anyone when we have a chance to help them stay safe. 
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker or ask about my consulting services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
Was this spiritual abuse?
Pastor confronts gunman
Should sex offenders be pastors?

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
Highlights from this episode include:
Shots were fired at Grace New Covenant Church in Bellefontaine Neighbors, Missouri. Why did the shooter pick that church?
Two sets of rules for handling money is a sure fire way to have money mis-handled.
Arson isn’t the answer to disagreements
 Let's look at James 3:3-6 from the HCSB:
Now when we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we also guide the whole animal. And consider ships: Though very large and driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So too, though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things. Consider how large a forest a small fire ignites. And the tongue is a fire. The tongue, a world of unrighteousness, is placed among the parts of our bodies. It pollutes the whole body, sets the course of life on fire, and is set on fire by hell.
That is very strong language! But I think it's good for us to remember. What damage we can do with our words. We can shame people. We can blame people. We can tear them down. But we can also do the exact opposite. If horses can be made to obey with a small bit in their mouth, if a ship can be guided where the pilot wants it to go with a small rudder, we can use that small part of our bodies, our mouth, our tongue, to use good words to build people up. To bridge gaps. 
And to help those who need us.
Let me know what you thought of this episode! Send me an email a or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my coaching services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
Shots fired at a Missouri church
Pastor says he didn't mis-use church funds
Church arsons said to be over theological issue

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety coach Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
Highlights from this episode include:
Woman stalked by a man from church
Gateway Church allegedly covered up other abuse
Man facing charges after spraying water on protesters at his church
Proverbs 27:12 GNT
Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it, 
but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later.
I’m not doing any victim-blaming here. I just love quoting Proverbs because they state things in such a memorable way. There are so many verses in the Bible that show God’s compassion for people who have been taken advantage of by others. He doesn’t blame them and neither do I. But I do want us to think about being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to safety in our churches.
How many times does a man have to behave inappropriately in a church setting before we say enough is enough? I’ve heard plenty of stories about confronting women for how they dress, or actions from their past but what about confronting inappropriately aggressive behavior in men? I’m also not slamming men. Some of the Godliest people I know are faithful and upright men. But the vast majority of the time they are the perpetrators in the cases we discuss. Let’s be more sensible like Proverbs says and avoid the trouble they cause by confronting the behavior they display. 
It’s time to stop making excuses. It’s time to elevate the protection of innocents. It’s time to speak up and it has to start with the people in the pews. We’ve given decades to the people in positions of power to get it right, and too many of them have failed us. We need true shepherds, not shifty influencers. Not flashy speakers. Not charming snakes. Are you ready to demand that leaders in your church be true shepherds?
Let me know what you think of this episode! Send me an email at or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker or ask about my consulting services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
Church stalker
More trouble for Gateway Church
Man assaulted protesters

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
Highlights from this episode include:
Watch out for what gets posted on your church’s website
Church employee arrested on child porn charges
The Episcopal Church gets it right
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my consulting services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
Church website publishes application for militia
Church worker arrested for possessing child porn
Go Episcopalian Church!
Hebrews 4:12-13 (CEV)
God's word is alive and powerful! It is sharper than any double-edged sword.
 His word can cut through our spirits and souls and through our joints and marrow, 
until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our hearts. Nothing is hidden from God! 
He sees through everything, and we will have to tell him the truth.
I was so happy to happy a good story to share today! Even so, it occurred to me that each of our three cases had something in common. Each one pointed to the heart condition of each of our main characters. In the first two cases, it was a heart full of evil intent disguised by an association with a religious group. In the last, it was a man with a heart bent towards justice and a willingness to actually do something. 
I’d like to think that God’s word is the deciding factor here. His Word itself describes the power that it has, even the power to discover what is in our hearts. We can’t know for sure what is in these people’s hearts, but God can, and we can certainly evaluate the fruit they are producing. If you are seeing the kind of fruit our first two cases brought to light, I hope you’ll speak up. That will show amazingly good fruit being produced in your life, 
Let me know what you thought of this episode! Send me an email a or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
Highlights from this episode include:
A very practical problem churches can encounter when they aren’t doing to enough to respond to and prevent abuse by leaders and volunteers
An artist behaving badly still has works displayed by Catholic Church
Why was a man charged with multiple violent felonies still listed as a church staff member 5 months later?
Ephesians 5:1-3 NIrV
You are the children that God dearly loves. So follow his example. Lead a life of love, just as Christ did. He loved us. He gave himself up for us. He was a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God. There should not be even a hint of sexual sin among you.
 Don’t do anything impure. And do not always want more and more. 
These are not the things God’s holy people should do.
Paul spent chapter 4 describing how Christians should live our lives. He continues this in chapter 5, and really boils it down here. God loves us enough to die for is in the person of Christ, and that should be enough to make us want to be like him. Then the first thing Paul tells us NOT to do as we try to lead this life of love is to be sure there is no sexual sin among God’s people. Yet as I research crimes connected to our churches, the vast majority of cases are about sexual sins by leaders within the church
Maybe that’s what the media focuses on because of its gossipy appeal, its “see, I told you they were all hypocrites” vibe - but whatever the reason, it’s a self-inflicted wound. The truth is that, as a whole, churches don’t screen leaders well enough. We don’t confront early red flags with great enough speed or diligence. And we continue to cover up for abusers and try to make victims just go away. 
I hope your church is doing everything right in this area. My concern is that most churches think they are doing a great job, only to have a scandal erupt that leaves everyone wondering “How did this happen”. Don’t be afraid to ask your church leaders what policies and procedures they have in place so that your church isn’t going to be mentioned on my podcast.
Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker or ask about my consulting services, please email me at 
Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
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Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
Loss of insurance halts ministry and worship services
Should a man accused of multiple rapes have his art displayed by the Catholic church?
Tip: don't list accused pedophiles as staff members

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