Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

From Darkness to Light: Addressing Human Trafficking

What does a human trafficker look like? We might picture wealthy men whose greed has destroyed whatever decency they may have once had. But in reality, that person may look like someone you already know. 


Welcome to another episode of The Unlovely Truth. I’m your host, private investigator Lori Morrison. Join me for another captivating true crime story, where physical, spiritual, and emotional safety takeaways are waiting for us. If you are listening, I believe you have a unique calling—to become a different kind of PI, not a typical private investigator, but a person of impact!


This is Season5, Episode 1. This week we are going to investigate stories from the book "In Our Backyard: Human Trafficking in America and What We Can Do to Stop It”, by Nita Belles. She began studying human trafficking while working on a master’s degree and hasn’t stopped since. In her book, she shares countless stories of this evil and how we might bring some light in this very dark and very often misunderstood evil. 

Close your eyes for a minute, and draw a picture in your mind of what a human trafficker looks like. I’ll bet you saw a man, dressed in dark clothes, very menacing looking. What if I told you that the trafficker in the first case I want to share with you was a confident and fashionable teenage girl?

If your son or daughter or grandchild were being exploited, wouldn’t you try to move heaven and earth to stop it? The victims whose stories I shared today and thousands of others like them are someone’s son or daughter or grandchild. I hope you’ll get a copy of this book to hear more stories and learn more ways you can help.


Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NIrV


Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do. 

Suppose either of them falls down. Then the one can help the other one up. But suppose a person falls down and doesn’t have anyone to help them up.

Then feel sorry for that person! 

Or suppose two people lie down together. Then they’ll keep warm. But how can one person keep warm alone? One person could be overpowered. But two people can stand up for themselves. And a rope made out of three cords isn’t easily broken.


We’ve all seen those videos where a predator approaches a herd of some sweet, innocent animals. It’s so stressful to wonder which one is being targeted. Then you see it. It’s the one off to the side, all by itself. If one of the other members of the herd doesn’t try to help it, that animal’s chances of survival are very slim. 


Are we really so different? When we look out for each other, when we work together, and when we care for each other, life goes so much better for us. Predators, of course, don’t like that. They prefer to isolate us, or better yet, for us to isolate each other. 


Let’s make 2024 the year we work together, for our good, the good of our families, and our communities. If you’ve been putting off getting involved in serving people who have been impacted by crime, remember that two are better than one! Convince a friend to join you so you each feel safe and confident in your new avenue of serving God by serving others. Together we can and should make a difference. 


Let me know what you think! Send me an email a lori@theunlovelytruth.com or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have those hard, but impactful conversations!

Visit my website to access more episodes, read my blog posts, or check out ways you can financially support the podcast so that together we can impact more people, more families, and more communities. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my consulting and investigative services, please email me at lori@theunlovelytruth.com


  • If you suspect a human trafficking situation in your community, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. You can also text HELP to BeFree (233733)
  • Learn more about identifying trafficking victims with information from the Polaris Project
  • If you know someone with a porn addiction, look for helpful resources here


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